I uploaded 20 light graffiti for inspiration. I didn`t choose the best light graffiti arround the globe, but here are some outstanding graffiti to inspire all designers in there work!
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What logo means ? Maybe a lot of people looking for the answer … they search on google, search arround the web to find the perfect answer, to make them understand what actually logo means. A logo it`s a graphic element, that symbolize and speak about the company. It should speak from itself. From the logo you need to deduct what it`s about the company, what the company does, the company industry etc. The perfect logo for a company needs to be very easy to recognize in time. People when see the logo should say: wow that`s the “company”! A logo comes with the logotype ( a unique set and arrange of the typeface ). What actually logotype means ? It`s the way that the words, the name of the company it`s set. Many logos are just logotypes, without a graphic element.
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