Tuesday , 14 May 2013
You are here: Home » Articles » 15 Great Redesigned Logo of 2012

About Claudia

Claudia is a blogger by profession. She loves writing on luxury and technology. She is quite busy these days in tasting and reviewing most expensive wine. She has been working on windows xp gadgets.


  1. Its very nice to have this new and old design of this product. You did a great job to improved the logo’s.

  2. I like the new logo of jaguar.. It is much attractive compare to the previous one. Thanks for sharing these logos. You made me think to make my own design.

  3. Bharat Chowdary

    All new logos are really cool and fantastic.

  4. Gerwin van der Feijst

    Most of them are an improvement to my taste. One i liked better before (because it was so simple) was the one from the American Red Cross. Less is more.

  5. Great collection here – real inspiration! Isn’t strange though if I was presented with the KFC logo and the Windows 8 – it would be ‘Back to the drawing board’ – lol. I mean when you look at the brilliant Jaguar Logo you can see that the designer has put time in and made the logo look modern. This wasn’t what KFC logo creator had in mind obviously.


  6. It’s so good to see the old ones and the evolution of the new one! Good art innovations! Hope to see other companies do some of their logo innovations soon! Thanks for the list here! Awesome topic here!


  7. Thanks for a useful article.

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